
Bennion Learning Center Certified Top Star!

Bennion Learning Center has just been certified as a TOP Star participant by the Salt Lake County and State of Utah Health Departments.  Top Star is awarded to licensed child care / early learning and development center that “implement policies and procedures that support a healthy physical activity and nutritional environment for children.”   BLC has always been actively participating in these very things since its inception including a large play area for activity and learning with a nature path, water features, outside learning stations, and...

Open Enrollment for Preschool and Full Day Kindergarten at Bennion Learning Center

OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR 2019 – 2020 Now is the time to make sure your child is registered for this fast approaching school year.  We expect to have a full class this school year, so let us know right away if you are planning to attend. Please keep us informed about the school your child will be attending. Avoid the rush! Summer is a good time to get yearly physicals, immunizations, dental visits, and eye exams. Preschool Parents Bennion Learning Center is happy to begin our preschool curriculum!!  We look forward to helping support children’s utilization of the Upstart Program sponsored by the State of Utah Board of Education and...

Parent Feedback about Bennion Learning Center in Taylorsville Utah

“Thank you for being a part of our kids’ lives for the past 5+ years.  We feel so good knowing you’re there to make sure they’re taken care of.” F.&E. “You have one of the toughest jobs but you make everything run so smoothly all while making our kids feel accepted and loved.  Thank you so much for all your tireless hours and smiles.” G.H. “Thanks for everything you do to keep these kids safe and happy.  It certainly is not an easy job but you always do it with such care and with a smile.  We sure do appreciate you each and every day.”  A.H. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve ever done for my child and me.  He and I are sad to leave the daycare, but we are so grateful for the last four years spent there.  You guys will always be like a family.”  M. “J. has loved coming here! Than you for providing such a loving, nurturing, learning environment for him.  He absolutely adores his teachers and has developed special friendships with his classmates.  We are sad to go and will miss you.  He has grown so much! You have a wonderful staff and appreciate all you do for us!  You are always so kind to greet us and have always made us feel welcome.  Bennion learning Center is like a home away from home for J.”   Sincerely,  M.&C. “Thank you for all you did for our boys.  We are forever grateful for all the love and kindness you showed them.  For all you taught them and all the activities you did with...

Mindfulness Training Supports Optimal Learning Environment

Bennion Learning Center in Taylorsville Utah is excited to share some great things happening in our classrooms.  Since Ms. Heidi (Behavior Interventionist and Mindfulness Educator) has been incorporating some basic mindfulness techniques into her Kindergarten class, we have seen an overall improvement in behaviors, better problem solving, and more independent peer mediation.  All this beginning to unfold in just the few short weeks she has been applying it!  We wanted to take an opportunity to present more information on Mindfulness Strategies and hopefully begin employing these positive techniques into classes beyond Kindergarten.  Heidi will continue to employ her Mindfulness Strategies throughout our summer programs as well. Bennion Learning Center is a place where your children can build a foundation of enduring academic and social success as we teach them skills that will carry them far into their futures!  Call us to find out more about how this program can benefit your child....