“What can you offer my child?”
Bennion Learning Center provides a unique blend of classroom learning, outdoor activity, relationship development, and custom-tailored care for each child at every age. From our dedicated infant nursery to our after-school programs for elementary students, we foster just the right setting for well-rounded growth and development.

“Look what I can do.”
“Mom! Today we hung out with the kindergarten kids and we dug in the dirt and Amy pushed me but I was nice back. And I got a sticker for bringing her a flower I pulled out of the crack in the sidewalk. Then after lunch I sat with Marco and we wrote words that start with the letter B.”
Really, it’s the breathless joy every parent looks forward to.

Because every child is different.
Not every infant naps on the same schedule, and not every five-year-old learns to spell at the same pace. We cater our experiential learning programs for each student’s style and progression.

Skills that help kids succeed.
We encourage socialization, communication, and collaboration among the kids, building strong relationship skills. Our small class sizes help facilitate this—kids get the support they need.

For a lifelong love of learning.
Here, kids gain the foundation needed to enjoy learning and get a step ahead in grade school. We work with parents and teachers to cater our curriculums to each child’s specific needs.
What can we do for your child?
We’d love to hear from you—don’t be shy. We can set up a time for you to visit our school and see what it’s all about.